Category: General
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So, Tuesday night, both my computer and internet connection go down simultaneously.  Good times.  A 9 month old motherboard flat our refuses to boot.  So that should be good.

Anyway, Amber and I are off for a four-day weekend of whitewater rafting in the mountians of West Virginia.  There will camping and fire and hillbillies.  Of potential interest is that I will be releasing another website next week some time, which will be a part of the larger Chris Boylan plan to take over the world.  It will be a small part but an important part nonetheless.  Not as big as the one set for end of the year, however.

My ears are still ringing from Green Day last night.  Jimmy Eat World opened and I remembered why I like them.  Catchy, poppy alt rock. 

Green Day continued to show why they are still relevant.  Their new (year old) album is still great.  They performed with a tremendous amount of energy and fireworks.  Literally, fireworks.  Their pyrotechnics were so loud and hot, my eyebrows are singed and we were about 150 feet away.  I have no idea how Tre, the drummer, is not currently on fire.  The show was long, but not in a boring way.  More like a, "wow, they've been onstage an hour and 40 minutes and there haven't been any points where I've thought - when is this thing ending?"  I guess having a huge library of 2 and a half minute songs helps.